Everything About Empty The Tanks Day Worldwide

Written by: Jolon Bankey


Why Should We Empty the Tanks? Understanding the Movement to End Marine Mammal Captivity 5

Have you ever stood in front of a massive tank at a marine park, watching dolphins leap and twirl in unison, and wondered what's going on behind those happy splashes? Why is an entire day dedicated globally to "Empty the Tanks"? What pulls people from across continents to join hands on this particular day? Dive into this blog, and I promise, by the end, you’ll not only have your answers but also know how you can contribute to a cause that’s reshaping our relationship with the ocean’s most charismatic inhabitants.

What Sparks the Necessity for an "Empty The Tanks Day"?

Founded by Rachel Carbary following her eye-opening visit to Taiji, Japan—a place infamous for its dolphin drives—Empty The Tanks Day isn’t just an event; it’s a global plea for change. The harrowing sights of dolphins being corralled and either captured for aquatic entertainment centers or killed for meat propelled Rachel to initiate this powerful movement. Since its inception in 2013, the day has evolved into a robust global campaign involving protests in over 21 countries, highlighting the dark underbelly of dolphin and whale captivity.

Heartbreaking photography of penguin swimming alone in a tank or aquarium

The Unsavory Truth Behind Marine Parks

Did you know that the vibrant display of tricks and performances by dolphins and whales is just a facade? Beneath the surface lies a grim reality of stress, confinement, and unnatural living conditions. Marine parks often use food deprivation to teach these intelligent creatures to perform. Locked away in small tanks, these dolphins and whales endure a life far removed from their natural oceanic habitats. Not exactly the fun day out you imagined, right?

Beyond Entertainment: The Advocacy for Eco-Tourism

Imagine watching dolphins in their natural habitat, freely swimming and engaging with one another. Eco-tourism promotes this real and respectful way to experience wildlife. It’s about observing animals where they belong and how they choose to live, rather than watching them perform unnatural tricks in confined spaces. Supporters of Empty The Tanks advocate for this shift towards eco-tourism, arguing it's the sustainable and ethical future of wildlife interaction

Educational Outreach: A Pillar of Empty The Tanks

Education is power, and Empty The Tanks leverages this by enlightening people about the detrimental impacts of captivity on marine life. Through workshops, school visits, and interactive online resources, they emphasize the importance of conservation and the ethical treatment of all animals. By educating the young and old alike, the movement sews seeds of compassion and change towards marine life and their habitats.

Global Events and the Power of Participation

Every year, on a significant weekend, the world witnesses a wave of blue-clad activists armed with signs, facts, and undying resolve, gathering outside marine parks and public spaces to voice the plight of captive marine mammals. From in-person protests to digital campaigns like “Selfies for Cetaceans," the day is marked by heartfelt participation and global unity. Whether you’re in Sydney, San Francisco, or South Africa, there’s a way for you to join in.

The Ripple Effect: Success Stories and Ongoing Battles

The impact of Empty The Tanks and documentaries like "Blackfish" has been profound. Public sentiment is shifting, and the economic ramifications for marine parks are tangible—for instance, SeaWorld announced an end to its orca breeding program following intense scrutiny and declining visitor numbers. However, the battle is not won yet. Marine mammals are still held captive worldwide, and the tanks are far from empty.

photography of people sharing awareness about the cruelty for marine animals in the aquariums and tanks

Let’s Get Personal – What Can You Do?

1. Participate: Join an Empty The Tanks event. Grab a sign, bring your passion, and make some noise.

2. Educate: Learn and share. The more people know about the reality of marine captivity, the harder it becomes to ignore.

3. Advocate: Talk to policymakers, support legislation that protects marine life, and push for change at every level.

4. Boycott: Don’t buy a ticket. Money speaks loudly. If the demand for captive entertainment goes down, so will the supply.

5. Donate: Support organizations that are on the front lines fighting for marine animal rights.

Looking Ahead: The Vision of Empty Tanks Everywhere

What started as a small protest has grown into a global outcry. Each year, as more people join, the message grows stronger. The goal? To end captivity for entertainment forever. For those animals that can’t be returned to the wild, seaside sanctuaries are the next best thing. They offer a more natural environment where these animals can live out their lives peacefully and with dignity.

A Promise of Freedom

Cinematic photography of a happy dolphin freely swimming in the ocean

Empty The Tanks Day is more than just a day. It’s a lifeline to marine animals everywhere. It’s a promise that we can do better, that we will do better. By understanding the issues, taking action, and spreading the word, you’re not just helping; you’re leading the way to a more humane world.

So, what’s your next step going to be? Will you join the movement and help turn the tide? Remember, every voice matters—especially yours. Let’s make waves together!

Step up, dive in, and make a splash for marine life! Your actions, your voice, and your support can change the course of the future for these fantastic creatures. Visit [Empty the Tanks Website] for more information on how you can get involved. Let’s empty the tanks, not just on one day, but every day. Together, let’s give the oceans back to its rightful owners.