Discover the Legends: National Sea Serpent Day and the Fascinating Creatures of the Deep Sea

Written by: Neira Eclarinal


What You Need to Know About the Mystical Creatures of National Sea Serpent Day

Ever wondered if the Legendary Sea Serpents and mysterious creatures that sailors spoke about are real? Could it be that there's some truth hidden within those tall tales? As we celebrate National Sea Serpent Day, let's dive deep (pun intended) into the fascinating world of these marine wonders. By the end of this blog post, you’ll not only discover the specific creatures, like the Oarfish and Giant Squid, but also understand how they might have inspired the myths and legends of sea serpents.

Introduction to National Sea Serpent Day

Every year, National Sea Serpent Day sparks a wave of curiosity and excitement. What exactly makes these creatures so captivating? From the mysterious depths of the ocean, ancient sailors narrated fantastical stories about serpentine beings that roamed the seas. Today, with modern technology, we can explore these depths and uncover the truths behind the folklore. You’ll be amazed to learn how these elusive animals like the Oarfish and Giant Anaconda captured human imagination for centuries.

Ready to embark on this journey? Let’s dive right in!

The Mysterious Oarfish: The Living Ribbon of the Sea

Imagine a creature that looks like a long, glittery ribbon dancing just beneath the water's surface. Meet the Oarfish, also known as the "King of Herrings." This astonishing creature can grow up to 36 feet long and is often mistaken for a mythical sea serpent.

What Makes the Oarfish Special?

1. Physical Appearance: The Oarfish has a thin, elongated body covered in shiny, silvery scales. It often gets mistaken for sea serpents in folklore.

2. Habitat: Oarfish predominantly dwell in the deep ocean, sometimes at depths of 3,280 feet. However, they occasionally surface when injured or dying, leading to rare but awe-inspiring sightings.

3. Feeding Habits: Oarfish mainly feed on tiny plankton, crustaceans, and small fish using their small, toothless mouths.

Fun Fact: Did you know that the Oarfish can swim vertically in the water column due to its undulating body movements? That's a sight to behold!

The Giant Squid: The Tentacled Titan

Next up on our oceanic adventure is the Giant Squid. Imaginations run wild when you think of this creature battling with colossal sperm whales in the dark abyss. 

Giant Squid swimming

How the Giant Squid Inspires Legends

1. Enormous Size: Imagine a squid as long as a school bus. The Giant Squid can stretch up to an astounding 43 feet!

2. Elusive Nature: Despite its size, sightings are extremely rare. Scientists primarily know of their existence from carcasses washed ashore or from remains found in whale stomachs.

3. Anatomy: With its large eyes (the size of dinner plates) and powerful tentacles equipped with serrated sucker rings, it's no wonder the Giant Squid inspires tales of underwater battles.

Creepy but Cool: The Giant Squid has a beak that can slice through steel-like flesh. Nature sure knows how to impress!

The Ancient Frilled Shark: A Living Fossil

Enter the Frilled Shark, an ancient creature often dubbed a "living fossil" because it has existed relatively unchanged for millions of years.

Why the Frilled Shark is a Marine Marvel

1. Unique Appearance: Sporting a head and face resembling an eel with frilled, gill-like structures, the Frilled Shark looks like it swam straight out of a prehistoric era.

2. Rare Sightings: This shark resides in deep waters, primarily at depths between 390 and 4,200 feet, making it one of the lesser-seen sharks.

3. Predatory Skills: The Frilled Shark is a stealthy predator that ambushes its prey, swallowing them whole thanks to its flexible jaws and long body.

Mind-Blowing Fact: The Frilled Shark's gestation period may last up to three and a half years, one of the longest of any vertebrate!

The Giant Anaconda: A Slithering Legend

While not technically from the sea, the Giant Anaconda has woven its way into the tapestry of aquatic legends.

Dynamic Rainforest River Photography of Giant Anaconda

Anaconda’s Intimidating Characteristics

1. Massive Size: The Green Anaconda is the largest snake by weight and the second-longest snake species. They can grow up to 30 feet and weigh over 550 pounds.

2. Habitat: These slithering giants dwell in the rivers, swamps, and marshes of South America.

3. Behavior: Masters of ambush, Giant Anacondas lie in wait underwater for unsuspecting prey, including birds, mammals, and even caimans.

Astounding Fact: Anacondas can hold their breath for up to ten minutes underwater! That’s versatility for you.

The Fearsome Moray Eel

Dynamic Night Macro Shot of Moray Eel Emerging from a Coral Reef

What Puts Moray Eels on the Map

1. Appearance: With their snake-like bodies and sharp, fang-like teeth, Moray Eels are often misunderstood.

2. Habitat: These eels are mainly found in both tropical and temperate waters, hiding in crevices and elaborate reef systems.

3. Feeding: Moray Eels are ambush predators. They use their pharyngeal jaws (an extra set of jaws they shoot out to grab prey) to capture their food.

Interesting Fact: The Moray Eel’s second set of jaws is similar to the creature from the movie "Alien." Reality is stranger than fiction!

The Parasitic Sea Lamprey

Do you have the stomach for something a bit more disturbing? Enter the Sea Lamprey, a creature that has roused both curiosity and caution.

The Gruesome Grasp of the Sea Lamprey

1. Horrifying Look: The Sea Lamprey has a jawless, cylindrical body with a mouth full of concentric rows of sharp teeth.

2. Behavior: This creature is infamous for latching onto fish and feeding on their blood and bodily fluids.

3. Impact on Ecosystems: While native to the Atlantic Ocean, they've become invasive in the Great Lakes, causing harm to fish populations.

Chilling Tidbit: Sea Lampreys can attach to their host for several days, feeding until they’re full. Talk about a creepy dinner date.

The Elusive Conger Eel

Last but not least, we introduce you to the Conger Eel, a dynamic predator lurking in the shadows of the deep sea.

cinematic photography of grey-blue conger eel

Diving Into the Life of the Conger Eel

1. Dynamic Presence: Conger Eels can grow up to 10 feet long, making them one of the largest eel species.

2. Habitat: They are found in a variety of waters, from the shallow coastal regions to the depths of the ocean.

3. Diet: Unlike the more eel-like Moray Eels, Conger Eels have a more varied diet, including fish, crustaceans, and cephalopods.

Eel-ectrifying Fact: Conger Eels have been known to show signs of aggression and can deliver a powerful bite if threatened.

Why These Creatures Fascinate Us

So, why do these sea creatures hold such a spell over us? Here are a few reasons:

1. Mystery: The deep sea remains one of the least explored places on Earth. With only about 20% of our oceans mapped, it's natural for the unknown to captivate our imaginations.

2. Legends: Ancient mariners who first encountered these creatures had little scientific understanding, leading to the creation of myths and legends.

3. Survival: These extraordinary adaptations for survival inspire awe and respect. From the Oarfish’s vertical swimming to the moray eel’s second set of jaws, nature's ingenuity leaves us spellbound.


As we celebrate National Sea Serpent Day, we realize that these marine animals have not only fascinated scientists but also fueled the imaginations of countless generations. From the graceful Oarfish to the intimidating Giant Squid, each creature tells a story of the incredible richness and mystery of our oceans.

Although we've come far from the days of legendary sea tales, these creatures continue to inspire wonder and curiosity. 

Call to Action

How can you positively affect National Sea Serpent Day? Simple – take the time to educate yourself and others about marine conservation. Share this blog post, visit an aquarium, donate to marine research, or even join a beach cleanup. Let’s protect the ocean and its inhabitants, ensuring that these marvelous creatures can continue to thrive.

Happy National Sea Serpent Day! 🌊